For the past few months, I’ve been looking at how to improve the web development experience in Visual Studio. This summer I released the Web Standards Update which brings HTML5 and CSS3 to Visual Studio, and a few weeks back Web Essentials was published.

This week I’ve been working on a proof of concept that eliminates the need for typing curly braces, colons and semi-colons when working with CSS. In non-English keyboard layouts, these characters can be rather difficult to type, because you need to use SHIFT and ALT to get to them.

Here is a quick demonstration of how to write CSS without the need for these characters.

I’ve been using this for about a day now on an English keyboard and I am so much more productive writing CSS. What I’m really interested in though, is whether or not YOU are when using this extension. Also, is it annoying, in your way, a waste of time, or the best thing EVAR!! Please try it out and let me know. I’d appreciate any feedback on this. Thank you!

Try it today!

Download the SpeedTyping extension for Visual Studio 2010 and let me know what you think on Twitter

Who knows, we might add this to the next version of Visual Studio…

At //build and today at VS Live I gave a talk about performance optimizing ASP.NET web applications using bundling, minification and other cool tricks.

See the video presentation

The Visual Studio 2010 extension I used were:

The demo website can now be downloaded here. It runs in ASP.NET 4.0

Optimize (4.39 mb)