Today, I ran into an issue regarding the way numbers are parsed in different cultures, which resulted in very wrong numbers. The problem begins when your web application is set to automatically resolve the culture through the browser. It is by default. All these different cultures have different ways to look at numbers and decimals and that’s all built directly into the .NET Framework.

The number one thousand decimal one two five is written differently in the various cultures. Here are some examples

1000,125 (European)
1000.125 (American)

Imagine that you have to parse XML files wherein the number format is European and you do it from an ASP.NET application with the culture set to en-US. The result of the parsing would be 1000125 – the whole number without decimals. But if the current culture was da-DK the result would be the expected one with three decimals.

So, to make sure your localized ASP.NET application parses the same XML files the correct way every time, you have to create an IFormatProvider to use when you parse the numbers. If the number format in the XML file (or any other place) is American, then you can use the following static property as IFormatProvider:

string number = "1000.125";

double dbl = double.Parse(number, NumberFormat);



private static NumberFormatInfo _NumberFormat;

/// <summary>

/// Gets a non localized NumberFormatInfo

/// </summary>

public static NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat




    if (_NumberFormat == null)


      _NumberFormat = new NumberFormatInfo();

      _NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";



    return _NumberFormat;



The property only handles number formats and not currency or percentage formats, but they are easily applied the same with the decimal separator is.

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are becoming a more and more common way to bring websites and servers down. They are very easy to do and pretty hard to protect against, which is why they are so popular. The only thing you can do to prevent such an attack is to block the response to the attackers. You have no control over the requests, so you have to catch the attacker as early as possible after the request has been received by the web server.

There are two challenges to blocking the attacks

  • Identify the attackers
  • Block the response only to the attackers

To catch the request as early as possible, an HttpModule is the right place. It is executed before any page or any other handler so the impact on the server can be minimized. This HttpModule monitors all requests and block requests coming from IP addresses that make many requests in a short period of time. After a while the attacking IP address gets released from blocking.

The module is a high performance and lightweight protection from DoS attacks and very easy to implement.


Download the DosAttackModule.cs file below and put it into the App_Code folder of your website. Then add the following lines to the web.config’s <system.web> section:

< httpModules >

  < add type = " DosAttackModule " name = " DosAttackModule " />

</ httpModules >

Download (1,13 KB)