Recently at work, we had to find a way to examine Gif images to find out if they were animated or not. It’s a good thing to know when dealing with banner advertising. The solution was to create a method that would return a struct containing the data about the Gif we needed. This is the struct:

public struct ImageInfo


  public int Width;

  public int Height;

  public bool IsAnimated;

  public bool IsLooped;

  public int AnimationLength; // In milliseconds

} >

And this is the method that returns the struct when given a file name:

using System.Drawing.Imaging;>

public static ImageInfo GetImageInfo(string path)


  ImageInfo info = new ImageInfo();


  using (System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path))


    info.Height = image.Height;

    info.Width = image.Width;


    if (image.RawFormat.Equals(ImageFormat.Gif))


      if (System.Drawing.ImageAnimator.CanAnimate(image))


        FrameDimension frameDimension = new FrameDimension(image.FrameDimensionsList[0]);


        int frameCount = image.GetFrameCount(frameDimension);

        int delay = 0;         

        int this_delay = 0;

        int index = 0;


        for (int f = 0; f < frameCount; f++)


          this_delay = BitConverter.ToInt32(image.GetPropertyItem(20736).Value, index) * 10;

          delay += (this_delay < 100 ? 100 : this_delay);  // Minimum delay is 100 ms

          index += 4;



        info.AnimationLength = delay;

        info.IsAnimated = true;

        info.IsLooped = BitConverter.ToInt16(image.GetPropertyItem(20737).Value, 0) != 1;





  return info;

Example of use

Here is an example of a web page that writes the Gif info out in the response stream:

ImageInfo info = GetImageInfo(@"c:\artists.gif");


System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

sb.AppendLine("animation length: " + info.AnimationLength);

sb.AppendLine("height: " + info.Height);

sb.AppendLine("width: " + info.Width);

sb.AppendLine("is animated: " + info.IsAnimated);

sb.AppendLine("is looped: " + info.IsLooped);


Response.Write(sb.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />"));

This is the outcome of those lines of code on a web page:

animation length: 4340
height: 81
width: 63
is animated: True
is looped: True


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